Do Not Disturb

This post will be short.

For the last 6 months I have had Do Not Disturb (DND) enabled on my iPhone from 9 pm to 7 am. It’s a handy feature that blocks all notifications and sounds during the selected time period. Today I turned on the manual option, which enables Do Not Disturb 24×7. Before you have a heart attack, ask yourself this question – How many times a day do you check your phone “unprompted”? Meaning, you check or refresh just because- to see if someone or something is vying for your attention – a text message, an email, an Instagram post 🙄. If you add up the total number of unprompted checks with the total number of prompted checks each day, that is a lot of checks AND a lot of time wasted!

Do Not Disturb is now my default setting. Why, you might ask? I would say WHY NOT?! BUT, if you twisted my arm and made me give an answer I would have to say, “I enabled DND 24×7 mostly because I don’t care, until I do care and when that happens I will check my phone.” #sorry #notsorry


PSA: In DND mode, calls are allowed from favorites. I have a total of 3 people in that list. 😴