Do Not Disturb

This post will be short.

For the last 6 months I have had Do Not Disturb (DND) enabled on my iPhone from 9 pm to 7 am. It’s a handy feature that blocks all notifications and sounds during the selected time period. Today I turned on the manual option, which enables Do Not Disturb 24×7. Before you have a heart attack, ask yourself this question – How many times a day do you check your phone “unprompted”? Meaning, you check or refresh just because- to see if someone or something is vying for your attention – a text message, an email, an Instagram post 🙄. If you add up the total number of unprompted checks with the total number of prompted checks each day, that is a lot of checks AND a lot of time wasted!

Do Not Disturb is now my default setting. Why, you might ask? I would say WHY NOT?! BUT, if you twisted my arm and made me give an answer I would have to say, “I enabled DND 24×7 mostly because I don’t care, until I do care and when that happens I will check my phone.” #sorry #notsorry


PSA: In DND mode, calls are allowed from favorites. I have a total of 3 people in that list. 😴


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Today’s post features Sunday morning inspiration from an unexpected place, Justin Bieber. Yes, THAT Justin Bieber – courtesy of GQ magazine. #transformation #begreat

Bieber speaks about God with the easy superfluity of someone who knows how to read the Bible between the lines, who is confident he has correctly assessed its true meaning. God’s love helps him to be a good person and to recognize the cosmic value of being a good person, but God’s love is also available to him even when he doesn’t act like a good person. Unlike employees, friends, and family members, God never disappoints—and is never disappointed in—Justin Bieber. In conversation, Bieber alludes often to the fallibility of those closest to him: “I’ve had people that burned me so many times”; “If we invest everything we have in a human, we’re gonna get broken.” God is probably the only person in the universe Bieber can really trust.

“I feel like that’s why I have a relationship with Him, because I need it. I suck by myself. Like, when I’m by myself and I feel like I have nothing to lean on? Terrible. Terrible person. If I was doing this on my own, I would constantly be doing things that are, I mean, I still am doing things that are stupid, but… It just gives me some sort of hope and something to grasp onto, and a feeling of security, and a feeling of being wanted, and a feeling of being desired, and I feel like we can only get so much of that from a human.”

Bieber tells me that dwelling on negativity is “exactly what the Devil wants. He wants us to not be happy. He wants us to, you know, not live the life that we can truly live.”

Check out Justin’s new album, Purpose, featuring hits like Sorry and Love Yourself  (iTunes, Google Play, Amazon). #onrepeat