Package Tracker

This time of year everyone is ordering lots of things online. More often times than not, your packages are delivered by multiple carriers: FedEx, UPS, DHL, USPS. How do you keep track of what is being delivered when?

Arrive is a service/app that makes answering that question super easy! Simply download the app (iOS only), grant access to your email account and that’s it. The service will automatically scan your emails, look for new shipment notifications and add the package, estimated delivery date AND a thumbnail of what you ordered (i.e. a picture of tennis shoes or earrings) in a seamless view. Every time you open the app, the status is refreshed.

Watch Arrive in action below.

Easy Photo Storage






Photo storage has never been easier (and free)! If you’re like me, you often get those annoying pop-ups on your iPhone that say your iCloud storage is full and to fix it you need to purchase more storage. Not so!

Google Photos is the answer that provides unlimited photo and video storage (all backed up in the cloud). All you need to do is download the Google Photos app to your device (iOS, Android) log into your Gmail account and let it do the work for you. Note: On your first login, all photos on your phone will be backed up, so this may take some time. Once done, every photo and video  will available online at: You can then delete everything from your phone and avoid those annoying messages/alerts.

With Google Photos, you can create albums, share them with others (via email, Facebook or Twitter), make a video or keep everything for your own personal viewing pleasure. Whether working from your cell phone, iPad or desktop, all your images will be fully accessible to you anytime, anywhere (and others if you so desire).

This tip has been added to Bri’s Commandments aka Tech 101.

You can also preserve old by photos scanning them (the high tech way) with Photo Scan (watch).


Do Not Disturb

This post will be short.

For the last 6 months I have had Do Not Disturb (DND) enabled on my iPhone from 9 pm to 7 am. It’s a handy feature that blocks all notifications and sounds during the selected time period. Today I turned on the manual option, which enables Do Not Disturb 24×7. Before you have a heart attack, ask yourself this question – How many times a day do you check your phone “unprompted”? Meaning, you check or refresh just because- to see if someone or something is vying for your attention – a text message, an email, an Instagram post 🙄. If you add up the total number of unprompted checks with the total number of prompted checks each day, that is a lot of checks AND a lot of time wasted!

Do Not Disturb is now my default setting. Why, you might ask? I would say WHY NOT?! BUT, if you twisted my arm and made me give an answer I would have to say, “I enabled DND 24×7 mostly because I don’t care, until I do care and when that happens I will check my phone.” #sorry #notsorry


PSA: In DND mode, calls are allowed from favorites. I have a total of 3 people in that list. 😴

Instant Photo Printer

Taking selfies and usies can be fun; but, sometimes you capture an extra special moment – one so special that you want to hold it in your hand. As in print it out! Some people have actual printers in their homes 🙀 and keep photo paper on hand 🙀🙀. My hunch is that most of us don’t. So what options do we have? Sure, you can go online to CVS or Target’s photo lab, upload your picture, wait an hour (or several hours), then skidaddle (sp?) on over to the store and pick it up. Who has time for all that??? I want a small, simple and handy device to keep nearby in case I decide I want to an actual copy of that fabulous pic I took. I also want it right then and there – no waiting!!!! 👊🏽

Urban Outfitters has all kinds of gadgets and trinkets, like the Prynt Smartphone Photo Printer – just the thing I had in mind! The cost is $150 and it works just like you’d imagine; but, with an added feature – video. “Print instant photos from your iPhone 6/6s! Simply attach the Prynt case to your phone, take a photo plus a video. Then, print it out! When you hand your photo to a friend, they can use the Prynt app to unlock the hidden video, magically bringing your Prynt photo to life.

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Sure there are similar devices out there; but, this one is super cool with a vintage flare. It comes in 3 colors: white, black and turquoise. The photos print to sticker paper! You can use it on birthday cards, in your planner or make it into a magnet! Prynt is a great Christmas gift idea for tweens – just be sure to buy them extra paper! 😉 Prynt’s blog has many more ideas for this device. To see the Prynt case in action, check out the video below. #HappySaturday

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Social Bucket List

“Most people only travel a few times a year 😞, but we talk 👭 and read 📚 and dream 💤 about it all the time 🙋🏽. We realized that every dinner, 🍝 Instagram feed 📷 and glossy mag 📰 is full of inspiration💡, but it all tends to be lost 👀 in space 🚀 when we finally stand there at the airport. ✈️”


anVcaaK8Soo very true! Now there’s an app, Soon, that helps you keep track of all the cool places you want see or things you want to try or do! Think of it as your personal social bucket list, stored right on your phone (iOS only). You can add books, movies, restaurants and more!


Learn more by watching Soon in action below. Happy Sooning (?) !

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quote mashable, picture and video techcrunch